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Get Bakin'! KPP's Bake Sales (May 28 & June 5)

Nothing tastes better than a fresh baked treat! My favorites are my grandmother's recipe for snickerdoodles and butterscotch bars. Dust off your recipe books, because we need your help with the upcoming KPP Bake Sales!


We actually have TWO bake sales planned coming up. Why two bake sales? Yes, they are good opportunities to raise funds KPP very much needs, but both bake sales coincide with upcoming events:

  1. Saturday May 28 @11am - 3pm: Not only is it opening weekend, and we'll have a lot of members in and out, but we are also hosting an OPEN HOUSE during this time. We are inviting the neighborhood to learn more about KPP while getting to buy a treat.

  2. Sunday June 5 @11am - 2pm: NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY! Have you heard we are hosting a Neighborhood Party?!?! Funds granted by the City of Centennial will help us to provide hot dogs, chips, and sodas. The Bake Sale will be the perfect way for the neighborhood to end their meal :)


Please SIGN UP TODAY to donate baked goods and help make these events a success. These events can only be successful if our members join together and help!

Interested in helping more than what's on the sign-up page? Please email Casey Batt at


Don't worry... all the time that you use for baking at home or selling treats, will be tracked and count towards your 6 hours of required volunteer hours for this season. What a sweet way to use your time!

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