I'm excited to introduce you to BO's Snowcones: a new way to beat the heat at Kings Point Pool. Owned and operated by Liv (11yr old and KPP member), BO's Snowcones was open last Saturday to the delight of our members who got to enjoy frozen treats in a variety of sweet flavors.

I was able to ask Liv (Olivia) a little about her business and hear how it got started. Here is what she said:
"I was motivated to earn a little extra money and I thought snow cones would be fun for the summer. My friend Brie helped me get started and that's why it's called BO's (Brie + Olivia) 3 years ago. I saved my allowance and bought a snow cone machine off Amazon (thanks, Jeff Bezos!). We used to sell them from our camper van until we sold the van.
Some of my featured flavors are blue raspberry, strawberry, cherry, grape, watermelon, lemonade, root beer, cotton candy, pina colada, pink bubblegum and fruit punch. I look forward to selling snow cones on the weekends and at special events at Kings Point Pool!"
Upcoming Dates to buy BO's Snowcones
Liv will open BO's Snowcones again during the 4th of July holiday weekend. Look for updates on times & dates.
Pricing: $2 per cone (cash or Venmo accepted). $0.50 of each sale goes to KPP for operating costs!! This entrepreneur is also generous :)