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Why I love KPP: My Story... Submit Yours!

I'm starting with a personal post about why my family and I love KPP. I'd love for you to read and submit your article to be posted and for everyone to enjoy!

If you read my story, you will understand that I procrastinated (for a variety of reasons), but once I finally joined KPP, I not only loved it, but was compelled to become Board President the next year!



We moved into the Kings Point/ Bel-aire neighborhood late 2017 from downtown Denver. We had 1 adorable daughter at the time who was just learning to walk.

Neighbors had told us about Kings Point Pool, but we weren't ready to commit (I have a historical fear of committing to anything that costs money... I rarely even shop for things other than essentials! True story). One of our neighbors, Katharine (now on the board along with me), told me what an amazing community it was and how I HAVE to join. I still wasn't ready when the pool opened for the 2018 season.


We found out we were going to have a 2nd baby due in the fall of October 2019. For any parent out there, you may understand how overwhelmed I felt with one on the way and a wild toddler to chase. We made the decision not to join this year. My regret is that I didn't join that summer! We would have had an amazing time, and it would have felt so good on my pregnant body to be in the pool!!! Learn from my mistake!


We were going to join in 2020, then COVID closures hit. 'Nough said.


This was the year! My neighbor Annie let us join her one day in early June, using her guest passes. WE WERE HOOKED!

Perfect pool temp, walking distance, small community, rarely too busy, other kids for mine to play with, neighbors to meet and bond with.... it was perfect for us.


For anyone who met me last year, they might know me as the person who swam laps during adult swim ;) LOL. I grew up nearby, and was always a part of the neighborhood swim team. As an adult, I've competed in triathlons and other sports, so I enjoy the easy access to a swimming pool. MY FAVORITE THING last summer was to sneak in some laps between meetings. I'd rush over, get in 15 min adult swim laps, and then rush back before my next meeting started.

The excitement from my 2 daughters was the other thing that sold it for me. True story: My oldest: 5 at the time, said "That was so fun! When can we come back??", and I love it when she is happy and smiling. It is my biggest joy.

My youngest: 1 1/2 at the time was just learning to form sentences... the rest of the day ( and then the rest of the summer), she continued to say "King Oint Ool!" (or something that kind of sounded like that). It was one of her 1st sentences; even in her adorable toddler language.


Well... when there wasn't a full board to carry on the 2022 season, I decided to step up from the Treasurer role that I had initially volunteered for, into the Pres position. I've been tireless working with the other amazing board members and volunteers to prep and create an amazing 2022 season. There may be challenges that we need to conquer, but nothing we can't do together as a KPP community!!!


Perhaps a compulsion to volunteer? But mostly because I loved KPP instantly, that I knew it was the place I want my family to enjoy for the years to come. I'd love my kids to have the same fond memories of swimming all day long at the neighborhood pool as I do.


We want to hear from you! Why do you love being a member of Kings Point Pool?

Please email me at We'll publish here on our blog newsfeed!

I'm excited for our amazing 2022 season! See you at the pool!!

Casey Batt

Kings Point Pool - Board President



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